The lion belongs to the genus Panthera and is a member of the family Felidae. It’s a mammal, carnivorous animal.
- Generally, they weigh about 120-190 kg.
- Lions in natural environment now exist mostly in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Asia, only a small population has left in north-west India that is in direct danger of extinction.
- The male lion is very characteristic and is easily recognized by his mane. The population of lions has been significantly reduced in recent years.
- Despite all the roar and brutality, the lions are family animals and really social in their own communities. They usually live in groups of 15 or more animals. Each group (called pride) generally has no more than two adult males. While females usually live with the pride throughout their lives, males often stay only for two to four years. They then escape on their own or are expelled from other males who take over the pride.
- The strong roar of a male, usually heard after the sunset, can be heard up to eight kilometers. The roar warns the intruders and helps stray pride members to come back.
- Most lionesses mate before they are four years old. Lions do not mate at any particular time of year. Like the other felines, the penis of the lion has spines that point backwards. When the penis exits, the spines sharply scratch the female trunk, which can cause ovulation. The lioness can mate with over one male when it is in its day. The average gestation period lasts about 110 days (almost four months), while the female gives birth to one to four young (called cubs) in a den, usually away from the rest of the pride. Usually the mother and her young ones are not integrated in the pride until the cubs are six to eight weeks old.
- Lions are known to be carnivorous animals. Hunting is generally done in the dark by the females. They often chase in groups of two or three, using teamwork to hunt, encircle, and kill their prey.
- They live about 10-14 years in their natural environment.